July will be over in a few days. I really can't believe how fast time flies!
I've had a lot of fun this month. I kept meaning to come on here and share everything with all of you and I just never got the chance until now. Now that I am really getting up at 6am everyday to do Zumba. Thats right, Chris's mom got Zumba for us to use in the mornings. Today, in all honesty was the first actual Zumba morning. Sunday and Monday was the first part of the dvd that teaches you the steps it takes an hour to go through and is a mild work out because it breaks it all down. This morning we did the basic 20 minute work out. We now do that one every other day for a week or so and then we can either do the weight loss routine or the toning routine. I'm thinking of trying both. Its fun and the 20 minutes went by pretty quick and I didn't feel like I was going to die so yay!
Achilles is now half way through his Intermediate training class. Only 4 more to go! We are going to do the advanced one in September. I want to get in as much training as possible with Achilles. He is already 62lbs and only 7 months old!!
My parents ordered our cake and Chris and I saw the florist yesterday. I really loved what they came up with and I'm hoping to use them. Chris's mom had offered to pay for the flowers and this is a bit more I think than she wanted to pay but we told her everything it included. We'd already decided yesterday if she doesn't want to pay for all of it we'll figure out a way to cover the difference.
My bouquet is going to be a few shades of orange, a little brown, and some white to make it pop. Its going to be really really pretty. Kimi's is going to be a mini version of mine minus the white. Then Chris's boutineer is going to be a white daisy with some orange petals around it to make it match my bouquet and the others are just going to be simple orange circus roses.
This is an Orange Circus Rose:

Anyway I am very excited. When ever something comes together for the Wedding and we can cross it off I'm very happy.
I scanned our Save the Date Bookmarks into my computer awhile ago. The internet here isn't too good so it is having issues loading a larger image - here is a small picture of what it looks like.. I am really happy with how the came out.. I realize a lot of people I know don't read but that is okay. I use one myself! We have a lot left over because we ordered 50. Counting Dates and couples we are inviting about 90 people and excepting not all of them to actually come.

Kimi and I are going to look for a dress for her next weekend that I have off. So in just under 2 weeks. I am excited! Again.. haha!
This past weekend we celebrated Chris's birthday. It was fun and on Sunday we went to Estes Park to walk around and have lunch and go see the Stanley Hotel. Unfortunately we didn't realize how busy it would be and didn't have reservations for the tours. So we'll have to make another trip. It would have been so much fun to get married there. But to elope with 18 guests is like 5000. So I'm happy with our choice. This way we can have friends and family celebrate with us. Oh! on that trip I did something else completely new. I tasted Jerky. Not just any jerky either.. it was Kangaroo.. how random and crazy is that right? I recently tried fish too and confirmed my dislike of fish yet again. Bleh. I'm trying to be more open minded and try new things when the opportunity arises.
I have to run off to work soon. I promise to try and write more often. Perhaps every Monday again like I originally intended. Now that the Wedding is getting closer and our vacation in August is nearly upon us things are happening a lot faster.
We have to meet with Joshua again from the caterer to pick our linens, We need to design our center pieces and officially book the florist. We also need to talk to the DJ and setup our music. Which reminds me I need to send my Mom the information for the photographer. We have another Payment due by the First of August. We'll be nearly finished paying for him after that!
On the Knot.com they have a budget calculator and we are dead on with the photographer so I'm happy about that.
Oh! One more bit of news. The company I work for finally started doing Merit raises again. Considering that last fall they were doing furlough days this is big news. It was a small raise but any raise is good! Chris and I are going to Wells Fargo on Monday to talk about pre-qualifying for a mortgage. I'll let you know how that goes too next week!
Ta ta!