The trip home went smooth and we got back by noon on Saturday. Friday we wondered around town and I got some shots of the completely amazing views around Breckenridge. I really want to go up there in the winter but I dread driving there as I-70 is crazy enough without snow and ice.
We saw this snow blower attachment that they used on trains to clear the snow from the tracks. It was kind of neat and it was made in Patterson NJ! Hahaha. Chris thinks I'm silly because I get excited for things from NJ or Penn State. (the Broncos played the Detroit Lions last night and Derek Williams plays for the lions so I was excited)
Bubba Gumps was of course yum. I have fallen in love with Coconut Shrimp. Mmmmmm. I even ate a mussel something I haven't done in years. The hush puppies were delish as well. Chris and I love to order drinks off their menu because they have drinks you can get that then get you free glasses. We got 2 shakers and 2 pilsner glasses. The shakers came with a Hard Ice Tea and the Pilsners came from this really fruity drink that I really liked but seemed to never end.
Kimi and Justin left early which bummed me out but it still was a nice last day. We had homemade ice cream from Mimi's Cafe.. mmm ice cream..
Saturday Chris and I were very much ready to go. We were packed and dressed and had our coffee by 8am. We had to hang out though and help James get all his stuff loaded in his truck. We then said our goodbyes and were on our way back here with Mikey around 9:45 and even with stopping in Arvada to get some food made it back around noon. Go us.
Justin and Kimi stopped by with the boys yesterday afternoon too. They brought my Hot Shots Golf back too! Something we played a lot of over the vacation. I got my brother a really nice Key Chain that says "I <3 Bubba"
Here are just a few of my photos from the trip..

Before leaving to go to Breckenridge.. Chris, Mikey and Achilles on the trampoline..

We followed Kimi, Justin and Mikey up there and Justin pulled out a little toy monkey and a little red car.. this was when we were nearly there..

This fox was there the night we got there and came back on Wednesday too..^_^

At Peak 8 on Tuesday, we played putt putt and did the rock wall and the alpine slide..

My first time ever on the chair lift!

View from the Chair Lift.. James and Mikey were on the one behind us.. and Kimi and Justin in front of us..

This was taken before dinner on Wednesday but after a few margaritas and long island ice teas.. lol.. we were still red from the sun on Tuesday.. everyone got a little burned at Peak 8
I'll leave it at that point for now.. I need to go finish up getting ready and head out. I'm hoping to get a few shots of my brother and me and such today.. so excited!!!
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