In other news Achilles is doing great as is Higgins, our cat. They are starting to interact a little bit. Achilles is really happy here and he is taking to the house breaking but still slips up. It has only been a week though. Only 1 accident since we let him out of the kitchen this morning though!

We found out he could be called a Boxador. Haha but they have good temperments and are smart. He already is pretty good at sitting. We've started to really train him on using the kennel. We leave him in there for short periods of times both when we are here or going out. Otherwise he if we have to work or go out for over an hour or so then we leave him in the kitchen. We gated off the kitchen with a baby gate that has doorway so we can get in and out without taking it down and he can't climb over it. At first we tried blocking the way with things we had around here and learned Achilles is an escape artist. He could climb over his kennel, push boxes out of that hold 42" tvs with a chair behind them out of the way! It really baffled us. The gate works wonders though!

Hope everything is going well with all of you!
Wedding Things:
-need to go back and officially get my dress
-need to get cake setup
-need to get save the dates out
-need to get photographer booked
-need to get invitations out
-need to get flowers sorted out
Always more and more to do..