Tuesday, March 2, 2010

243 Days..

That makes it sound like it is farther away. 243 days or just over 8 months really. 8 months sounds much closer.

So I got the contract from the DJ. I had to leave a very silly message on his voice mail though. I spaced out and started giving his number, which I had up on my computer screen, instead of mine and realized half way through. >_< That is totally me though ah oh well. He called back that afternoon got the info he needed and we now just need to send him a check on Friday with the signed contract!

When we attended the Bridal Show we signed up for a chance to win some China. Well the people we signed up through called us yesterday. To get our 2 free Champagne Flutes we have to attend some 90 minute presentation on Saturday at 4pm where they will give us a little food and our free flutes. The guy on the phone said we do not have to buy anything and in the spirit of trying new things Chris and I agree and had him put our names down. It will be over by 5:30 so we can still try and do something that evening.

So those of you who know me, know I play video games. I am a casual gamer but the other day our PS3 stopped working. It turns out it had a date issue. The programmers told it 2010 was a leap year but it isn't so it crashed the network! They finally fixed it last night but in the mean time I took the initiative to hook up our Wii. We had to replace our tv about a month ago because it broke (it is a very long frustrating story) I never reconnected the Wii after the new TV arrived. Yesterday I did and I pulled out the Wii Fit board and replaced its batteries. Chris and I both started using it today. Its my motivation to get to the gym. Which I never did yesterday although we did take a walk. I know that in 8 months I wont loose all the weight I'd like but I want to look and feel fit at least on my Wedding day. Getting moving has always been my downfall so hopefully I can do it! I am thinking of picking up the Wii Fit Plus and maybe one of the other workout games for the Wii. If anyone else uses them please give me suggestions!!

I've requested a change in my work hours and if that goes through I'll be able to go the gym in the afternoon which would be easier on me then trying to get up at 6am to go. So until then I'll stick to the Wii fitness games in the morning and maybe try and get to the gym on my days off.


  1. I started doing the EA Sports Active workout for the Wii, which is basically circuit training. It really kicks your butt, so if you're looking for something else on the Wii, I'd defintely recomend it.

    here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/EA-Sports-Active-Nintendo-Wii/dp/B001MBUGLY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1267545675&sr=8-1

  2. Oo I will check it out! Thanks for the suggestion!


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