OMG.. I'm posting 2 days in a row! Well I figured I'd share the news. My mom said yes to the photographer and gave me the check to do the down payment. Now we just need to call him, pay him and set up a date to go do our Engagement photos!
We originally weren't going to do engagement photos. I didn't feel it was really important since its less than a 12 month engagement but my mom really wants one and I think Chris likes the idea of having a nice photo. That way it can be on our save the date cards as well.
Anywho.. in the spirit of booking the photographer. I'd like to share a few photos from the past few years.. after all pictures say 1000 words right? So this way all of you can get to know me better.. ^_^

This photo is of Cordy, my best friend, and me in Boulder back in 2006 when she came to visit... We were so young back then! Now she is married with kids and I'm on my way there.. ^_^

This is My mom and I at Rocky Mountain National Park, That is Bear Lake to be precise, also back in 2006. We were there to see the Elk.

It is a little blurry (that is what happens when someone unfamiliar with your camera takes the photo) Chris and I at the Aquarium in Denver, Co taken in 2008. That was a fun day. We need to go back!

This is one of my favorite photos that I took that day. I think it is really pretty. ^_^

Believe it or not, that is Bear Lake (same as photo of myself and my Mom) in MAY of 2008. The snow was nearly a foot deep around it!

This is my favorite photo of my mom and I, taken in December of 2008 up in Fort Collins, CO. We were visiting my cousins for the day.

This is Chris at the Colorado Renaissance Festival in 2009.. mmm turkey leg.. We try to go every year. I love it there and I am looking forward to it again this year.
So there you have it. I don't really have any new photos for this year yet. At least none I haven't posted yet.
I am going to try on my dress again on Saturday!! So excited!!! My mom and I talked about cake tasting again. We found 3 bakery's we want to go look at. Also I picked up my theater tickets from her today. Every year for Christmas my parents give Chris and I tickets to something, or a membership. We have a membership to the Nature and Science Museum in Denver, We got to see Phantom of the Opera in Denver (although I think I liked it on Broadway better ; P ) and this year we are going to see Young Frankenstein. Yes my friends, that is right Mel Brooks turned musical! It is a matinee so I'm hoping to make a lovely date day out of it in Denver. I'm already excited and it isn't until June 26th!!
Chris is about to make dinner so I'm going to see if I can help at all!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!