Today is a lazy Sunday. Yesterday Chris and I went and spoke with the photographer we are hoping to use. My mother was supposed to attend the meeting with us but she unfortunately caught a cold and couldn't go. I have to get her the information to look over it all.
I hope we can work it all out because I really like his style.
I am watching Julie/Julia now on Netflix. I really like this film! I think it is because deep down I realy want to be a foodie myself. I attempted to make donuts last night with a cherry sauce. Of course I forgot that we need a thermometer for the oil. I have never in my life fried anything. Well I guess that isn't true now but it was yesterday. The first several were burned because the oil was too hot, we dropped the temp of the oil which appeared to work for a bit. We had also tried to double the recipe as I had made more baking mix for the dough than was actually required. So, in the end we ended up with several slightly burned donuts, a few just right and a lot of mush donuts after the oil just couldn't take it anymore!

Now the cherry sauce I thought I'd get right but unfortunately we had no lemon juice left and I guess that was supposed to cut the flavor of the cinnamon. Cinnomon flavored Cherries are very interesting. Haha.
I'm, as I said, a wannabe foodie. I think I'll start talking about my cooking attempts in this blog as well. Chris does most of the cooking for us. I can't even make pasta right!! I love to cook and I love a challenge!
Only a few things left for us to work on for the wedding once we get the photographer booked. We still need a cake, flowers and an officiant. I'm so excited. It's only April though. I know I'll be worried about everything working out exactlly as we hope it will once its September and October.
Achilles, our ever growing puppy is doing wonderful. He needs a lot of corrections and praise, he needs to be trained because he is definitely going to be on the larger side of possibilities. He will be 4 months next week and he is close to 25lbs already! I took him up to the lake this morning, he seemed to react to the sand. He got really hyper and then ran back to the sidewalk!

I do hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!
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