Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Baby, I'm coming home..

On Friday when I went to the NICU Flynn no longer had his NG tube. He had pulled it out that morning and the Doctors decided to see what happened. He was put on on-demand feeding finally. He had not gained weight in a few days but he took what he needed to for the on-demand minumum that day. The next day I was at my cousin Emily's for her daughter's fourth birthday. While there I received a call from the hospital asking for consent to do the circumcision for Flynn. They do this when the baby is within a few days from coming home! I was so excited.

My poor boy was not happy when I got to the hospital later that night. I found out he had lost weight the night before as well which was not good. They upped his calorie intake to 24 cal per bottle and they told me he could be coming home by Monday if he gained weight.

Sunday I called the NICU for an update. My mom and I were trying to plan our day. We wanted to come to my home and do some cleaning to get ready for Flynn's homecoming if he was coming home. The nurse said he had gained and so it still looked possible and she asked if Chris and I would like to do the "rooming in" where we would stay in room with Flynn for the night at the hospital. Flynn would still be hooked up to all his monitors and we would be in charge of his care. Chris and I went for it. So that night we stayed with our boy for the first time. It was interesting staying. We did really well with his care and didn't really get much sleep though because it was in the hospital.

It took most of the morning on Monday but they finally discharged Flynn!! Our little boy finally came home! He did really well in the car which made me so happy. They told us it will take about a week for him to adjust to his new home and last night was a lot harder to feed him. He wouldn't take much of his bottles so he kept waking up a lot. Today we have to go to the store to pick up things we need like food and a hamper for Flynn, a diaper genie, and we may get a microwave bottle sterilizer. We were really funny to watch yesterday. We have no covered trash cans and we were not sure what to do with the diapers!

The only other concern I had before he came home was how our cat Higgins and dog Achilles were going to react but they have been great so far. Achilles is concerned every time Flynn fusses or cries, and Higgins hasn't made up his mind yet I think but neither is hostile. They both seem to know he is an infant and therefore need to be gentle.

Will post photos when I can. ^_^

Now that Flynn is home let the next chapter begin!

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