Tuesday, August 7, 2012

So it begins..

Today is officially my first day by myself with Flynn. I mean ever. I've always had a support team, first the NICU nurses and then my husband. Today Chris went back to work leaving me with Flynn for the day. Since Chris had to go to work I got up the two times last night I had to to feed and change Flynn. Although Chris did wake up and help me at the 3am feeding.

Flynn maybe sensed the change and the simple fact he has started eating more because he wouldn't go to sleep after that feeding and at about 4:45am I ended up giving him another bottle. So in a 2 hour block he had 100ml(just over 3oz) of formula. He finally fell asleep although he is fidgeting.

We use the Dr. Brown bottles and I do think they work great. He doesn't cry much and when he does its because he wants something. It makes life easier and less stressful on me.

I am glad that I don't have any plans or requirements for today. I do plan on taking Flynn for a walk this morning after his next bottle most likely. I'm hoping he will sleep till about 8 and then I can give him his bottle and vitamins and we can go on a walk around the neighborhood.

I tried to refill my blood pressure medicine yesterday but apparently the refills had been cancelled. I've started tracking my BP over the past few days and its dropped significantly so I'm hoping when I go to my Dr. visit on Wednesday they say I don't need it anymore. The refills had been cancelled because I'd been taken off them earlier but another doctor put me back on and we weren't aware they'd cancelled the prescription. At least if I need more I can have them send them to the right pharmacy. Now that I'm home the hospital pharmacy is far from convenient.

Flynn has his 3 week follow up eye exam tomorrow. I am hoping he will be fully cleared from the risk of ROP. In case you don't know what ROP is when the blood vessels of the retina develop abnormally. It occurs in preemies and Flynn passed his exam for it but his blood vessels had not fully matured so we have to go back in. I'm taking him to the Eye Clinic in the out patient portion of Children's Hospital. When he was in the NICU he was healthy enough to stay next door in University hospital but Children's is one of the best child hospital's in the country. I think its in the top ten if I remember correctly. That is where Chris and his twin were sent 29 years ago when they were preemies. The babies that need surgeries go there. My fingers are crossed. My dad is awesome and took the day off tomorrow to help me out because I also have my own doctors appointment at University's out patient that afternoon. So I can go hangout at their house inbetween and he will help me out by watching Flynn for me during my appointment. If I think I need him there for Flynn's appointment he'll come to that too.

I'll let you know how today goes! Everyday is an adventure!

White Flower

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