Sunday, November 10, 2013

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 9

What are your worst habits?

My worst habits? Hmm well I pick at my nails so they break a lot but I think my worst habit is tied to being lazy. I tend to make a lists of things I need to do but I never get them done. I might get two or three items ticked off and then I slowly lose my productivity and motivation. 

This is one of my habits I hope to not pass down to my son. I am trying really hard to change. I think being a morning person is a blessing and a negative when it comes to motivation. I start off strong and quickly go downhill. Typically by noon if it hasn't been accomplished yet it probably won't. 

In an attempt to change this habit I have been trying to use nap time on the weekends as another time to get things done and I've been getting better and better at that. 

I believe in continuing to improve myself so I take pride in not having a lot of bad habits. Although I am sure I have more than I am mentioning here.

My other bad habit would be returning phone calls. I tend to miss a call and either call back a few days later or not get around to returning the call and finally who ever was trying to call me gives up and just calls me back. Yet another thing I am working to try and change about myself.

Hopefully if I ever look back and do this challenge again I can say that these have changed but for now they are my worst habits.

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