The March of Dimes World Prematurity Day is November 17th.
Before Flynn was born I did not know this day existed. Now I just wish I could do more to help the cause.
Flynn is my miracle baby. He always will be and I know that we were lucky. If we lived somewhere else or did not have the health care we did when I was pregnant things could have been so different.
"Knowledge is Power"
That takes on a new meaning when it comes to not only your health but the health of a little one who hasn't even had a chance to see the world yet. It isn't just about the health care but the education required to keep you and your little one happy and healthy. That is what World Prematurity Day is for awareness and support to get those who need help the help they need.
My Doodlebug and I were lucky. Both of us could have turned out a lot worse than we did. I could still be on dialsys. He could have stayed in the NICU longer than 6 weeks, his eyes could have not developed right, same with his lungs, he could have required a lot my physical therapy.. the list goes on and on.
My husband and brother-in-law (they are fraternal twins) were preemies. My husband had to have surgery because his body wasn't able to drain the fluids off his brain. He still has part of that experimental surgery they gave him in his head (kinda crazy but it isn't hurting anything). My brother-in-law had multiple surgeries after he was born and I think was clinically dead for a bit when he was born. They are both okay now but this was 30 years ago so they are miracle babies too.
I know every child is a miracle but I'd like to see more happy and healthy ones and less tragedies. While Flynn was in the NICU I saw at least 2 others who were not as lucky and did get to take a bundle of joy home.
If you can please support them!
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