Wednesday, September 12, 2012

YouTube Rocks!

Hi again! It is a rainy day here so while Flynn is still sleeping I'm catching up on my youtube podcasts.. this is on the geekandsundry channel and its great.. it all about geeky crafting:

The New Adventures of Flynn


I took Flynn to the mall on Sunday with my mom. Chris and I are going to a wedding in October (yay!) and I needed a dress. So My mom and I met up at the Flatirons Mall and spent the morning shopping and had lunch. While I was getting a muffin my mom was visiting with Flynn and someone came up to her and mentioned he must be a new one and she told him he had been a preemie. The man pointed to one of his daughters and said she was too and that it didn't mean a thing. Haha!

For the most part the day was a success. I was able to buy a dress and some jewelry and Flynn only got upset once and that was when it was time for his bottle so he had his first trip to the ladies room where he was fed and changed. He does really well in restaurants too. The night before we'd gone to dinner with Chris's mom and step-dad and Flynn slept through the whole service. He did the same at lunch on Sunday with my Mom.

I was really proud of myself because I got him ready to go and the car packed up including the stroller all by myself. ^_^

Flynn has been sleeping in his own room now since Saturday night. He slept from 8:30pm to 4am that first night I was in shock. We checked on him at 3am because he'd been quiet all night. The next night he woke up at 1am and the next night at 2am and last nigh at 3am ahaha. If that trend continues I'd say 4am again tomorrow morning. We shall see.

When we go to the wedding my parents are going to baby sit Flynn. I hope they know what they are getting themselves into. The ceremony is at noon and the reception is at 4. Luckily since its all closer to our house they are just going to come here that will help them out since all his stuff is here. My dad can watch our big screen tv. Last time they babysat that is what he did haha.

So Flynn started smiling the other day too. I can't recall if I mentioned that? It takes coaxing but as long as he isn't upset he is smiling and yesterday I woke him up and he smiled at me like "Hello Momma!" It was a good start to a rough day yesterday. He spit up his first bottle that morning and just never felt right after that ended up in my arms most of the day. I'm glad he has slept so well last night. We shall see how today goes.

I have new photos to share with all of you!

A new way of holding Flynn - apparently good for his tummy

Daddy and Son

Go Buffs! - College Football Kick-off weekend

Tummy Time!

Now for an extra treat a video of Flynn smiling!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sleep is Sweet

Sorry about not posting recently! Its been a crazy week. Flynn has had a lot of adventures this week. First off Chris and I got new phones on Monday for our anniversary which isn't till the 31st of Oct. Haha. We just had to ours were not working anymore and since we have no other phone (no land line that is) it was imperative we have functioning phones. I got an iPhone 4S and while I know I'm a bit late to be jumping on the band wagon(seeing as the iPhone 5 is going to be out sometime in the not too distant future) I do have to say so far I love it. I'm a total scatter brain so this allows me to tell my phone to remind me to do things and put things on the calendar so I don't forget. ^_^ Anyway we only replace our phones every two years so its like a shiny new toy still. Chris got an HTC Rezound but all the new androids are huge! I don't want a huge screen if that was the case I'd get a tablet! Sheesh. With all the other things I have to carry on a daily basis if I leave the house I don't want a huge phone too. I figure eventually we'll get a tablet. When Flynn is older so he can play games and watch stuff while we are in the car we have a few road trips planned when he is older like going to Yosemite and Disneyland.

Moving on..

As the title stats sleep is what I really wanted to talk about. It is amazing how easy it is to veer off topic.

Flynn was having some issues sleeping last weekend. Last Saturday night he woke up around 12:30am for a bottle and then could not go back to sleep. Seriously every 15-20 minutes he was up crying again. He'd fall asleep while I was calming him down and then wake right back up. That was a long night. It got better and back to normal over the past week.

On Monday we attempted to up his bottle to 4oz and it went horribly wrong. Granted that was a rough morning on Flynn we went to the store in Longmont, stopped at home to get him a bottle just in case and then drove 30 minutes north to see our friend who manages a cellular store in Fort Collins. That was the furthest north we've ever taken Flynn. We go to Fort Collins often just not since he came home. He was way over due for a bottle by the time he go it. I was going to try and feed him before we left Fort Collins but he fell back to sleep and by the time we got home it had been over 5 hours and he was clearly upset. So trying a big bottle was probably a bad idea.

This week we also started trying something called Gripe Water. Have any of you heard of it? Flynn eats too fast sometimes without us realizing whats happened he'll have downed half the bottle in like 3 minutes, if we aren't careful, that leads to an upset tummy after he finishes even with burps and all that. Someone told Chris about Gripe Water and how it really works well to help calm him down and help him feel better. Basically its ginger and a little fennel. Ginger is the king of settling upset tummies. I've always sworn by ginger ale and ginger tea so I have no concern about giving him 1 tsp if he really seems like he needs it. Just like if he seems constipated I will try giving him an ounce of apple juice, or Pediatrician  has a website called Is My Child Sick? and it gives you recommendations and non citrus fruit juice is an option for constipation. Since Flynn is on formula if he hasn't had a bowel movement in 3 days I give him an ounce of apple juice. Per the website I can give him 1 ounce per month over 1 month. So technically he could do almost 3 ounces but I don't want him to get too used to the juice just yet as he is so small. Luckily I've only had to use it 2x ever.

Again I digressed! Sleep is the topic!! Hahaha! Oh well it has been a while. So my story again back to sleep. As I said he went back to his normal routine over the last week then yesterday I decided to go for it again with the 4 ounce bottles. He woke up twice Friday night - first at 11:30pm and then at 3:30am and so I figured he must be hungry after he finishes the 3 - 3 1/2 ounce bottles I'd been giving him so at 3:30 he had 3 1/2 but at 7:30 I went for it with 4 ounces and he took the whole thing with no issues! At 11:30 I went back to 3 1/2 because I didn't want to push it and he is really good about eating every 4 hours during the day. My real goal is to get him to take more during the day and sleep more at night. I read that a full term baby should be sleeping up to 6-7 hours a night when they are 3 months old and he is almost 3 months so I'm trying to do more to encourage that kind of habit. He's been sleeping 5 hours at a time at night so it was never far off.

We instilled a bed time of between 8 and 9pm. I'm trying to get it more and more 8pm but sometimes it doesn't work out. Last night was a happy medium at 8:30. I read that if he cries at night to wait 30 seconds before going to him since he could just fall back to sleep. I planned on trying that last night, I also moved his bassinet into his bed room last night. I set his baby Einstein lullaby music to quiet and repeat and played it all night for him I turned on his night light turtle that is on a timer so to try and help him because I don't think it got as dark in our room at night since we leave our door open. So he only had two 4oz bottles yesterday, before bed he had 3 1/2. I put him down in his room and he cried at first and I went and comforted him and gave him his binkie. At 9 Chris and I went to bed since he had to work today. I woke up at 11:30 concerned because it was so quiet but it was only 11:30 he normal wakes between 12 and 1 if he had his bottle at 8. So I went back to sleep. Next thing I know I woke up again and Chris is up. He had just checked on Flynn, it was 3:30 am and neither of us had heard him cry. He said he was still asleep I made him go back and double check he was breathing and we tested the baby monitor to make sure it was working!! I had dropped the receiver on the bathroom floor the night before. It was working fine. At 4am he started crying. My little boy slept or at least did not cry from 8:30pm to 4am! I know he is still young and it may not happen every night but yay!!! That was 7 1/2 hours! I would have been happy with 6 haha! My first good night sleep since Flynn came home from the NICU!!!

Today we will be going to the mall for the first time to meet with my Mom. Last night we took him to a busy family restaurant with Chris's Mom and he slept through the whole service so yay!

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