Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Unbirthday

Just about 2 months old now!

August 15th.. that was my due date. So today is a big deal. Today is the day that Flynn could have been born. I can't believe he is already going to be 2 months old tomorrow. He is such a champ. I haven't fully wrapped my head around the how I feel about today. I have my last post OB visit this afternoon. It seems fitting its today. Since I'm not sure how I feel yet I'm going to share the "Unbirthday Song" with everyone:

Unbirthday Song from Alice and Wonderland:

A very merry 
Unbirthday to you, 
To you, A very merry 
Unbirthday to you, 
To you, 
It's great to 
Drink to someone , 
And I guess that 
You will do,
A very merry 
Unbirthday to you!

statistics prove that you've
one birthday
one birthday every year
but there are 364 un birthdays
that is why we are all gathered here

a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
a very merry unbirthday to all
to all
thats how we sing the day away
a verry merry unbirthday 
to all

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  1. oh my gosh! how he has grown! congrats to you!!
    each of my 8 babies were at least 5 days late...
    I a your newest follower...pls follow back if you can.
    I forgot about that song...smiles...

    1. I forgot about it too until a few days ago. ^_^

  2. He is so cute! COngrats on a healthy baby. I can't believe how early he came-- so glad you and your babe are doing ok!

    Newest follower!

  3. My twin boys were born two months early so I absolutely know how you feel. It is tough when you get to the due date and wonder what life would have been like without the hospitals and premature babies. Congratulations on two months! It only gets easier, I assure you!

    Found you on Bloggy Mom's and glad I did. I am now a follower :)
    Come and visit me at

    1. Thanks! I checked out your blog as well and you've got a new follower! Your boys are adorable!


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