Friday, August 10, 2012

Get Healthy Project The Beginning.

If you have read any of my posts you are aware that I am a new Mommy and had my little boy 8 weeks ago tomorrow. Wow 8 weeks already. You also may be aware that I as very sick from my pregnancy and he was 8 weeks premature and I had dialysis to remove excess water from my body so I could breathe. They took 30 liters so I lost basically all the baby weight in the hospital but not in the way that is ideal if you want to get back in shape.

Now I'm finally deemed healthy and I while I weigh just about what I did pre-baby I have a ways to go to get back in shape. So my goal weight is 125lbs. I'm not ashamed to say it. Its a valid goal. That is my ultimate goal and I am shooting for that in a year. So By Flynn's 1st Birthday I want to be at my goal weight.
To start here are some start off photos.
Day 1: 8/10/2012

Day 1: 8/10/2012

Day 1: 8/10/2012

So first things first it is time to set some weekly goals. I think small accomplishments are what help us get to the bigger rewards.

Week One Goals:
  1. Walk Flynn everyday for at least 30 minutes
  2. Start adding in pilates workouts at least 30 minutes ever other day
  3. Create a healthy shopping list for next weeks food shop
  4. Start my food/workout journal
  5. Have Fun!
That last one is great because in truth that is what life should be about. If you aren't having fun you aren't doing it right. That out look helped me get through everything and I think, aside from Flynn, is my motivation.

So far today I've been able to do 40 minutes of pilates and start my food/workout journal and I'm still really happy, hehe. I plan on updating once a week on my progress. So yes this is my Get Healthy Project.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah! Found out about your blog from the Active Bloggy Moms group. Good Week 1 Goals.

    I'd love to help you on your journey. Let's connect.

    Also, are you incorporating pelvic floor and core exercises into your routine? Those are essential and should be the first things you work on.


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