Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Get Healthy Project Update

So ... I sorta of have to call a do over. Last week was not how I planned it at all. Did not get out of the house all week! I also was tired and stressed and eating candy! Candy! For the love of all that is good and healthy!! What happened was that my dear wonderful husband had a few mandatory days off. His company no longer allows them to carry vacation and so they sent him home early Tuesday and he was off till Thursday, so he was home Monday, basically Tuesday, and Wednesday. After having the previous weekend off as well. We went shopping one of those days and I wanted to make ice cream and I decided to do peanut butter cup because I wanted to do peanut butter flavored ice cream as something different. We bought way too many peanut butter cups and I just sort of nibbled all week. Ugh! I gained a few pounds and now my pants wont button. I'm so upset!! Yesterday though I put my foot down finally. We picked up my Zumba dvds from my MIL's house and this morning I started over. I wrote down my new starting weight and measurements in my personal journal and did the "Step by Step" dvd from my Zumba. I haven't done Zumba  since last summer so I need the break in refresher. I'm hoping to drop a pants size in 3 weeks by doing the starter plan this week and then moving to the 10 day accelerated weight loss work out, which promises a dress size drop in 10 days. My expectations are 3 weeks. I think I can do it. I burned 702 calories this morning! I also have to start walking Flynn again. The walking challenge at my Father-in-law's company is over and since I jacked up last week I'm resetting my steps and miles and I'm only counting when I get out of the house for actual walks from now on.

I feel much more motivated now that I have my Zumba. I didn't have anything I really loved that would work my whole body like my Zumba does. So we shall see how it goes and I'll try and keep you better updated! It really helps me keep honest this way.

1 comment:

  1. New follower here from BloggieMoms. I look forward to getting to know you!
    nancy-of the crazy 9


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