Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life happens..

Plans change quickly for the good and the bad. My plans for yesterday were to spend the afternoon with my Mom but she rescheduled to today. Which is fine by me. Flynn and I tried to go for a more intense walk yesterday and it started to rain. I guess that the fates have a plan. Hopefully today is a better day but on that walk I spent part of it jogging to try and get back to the house so that was a plus. 

I'm also feeling pretty darn good today. Aside from getting the walk in yesterday Flynn decided to sleep last night. Only waking up in a proper pattern. First around midnight and then around 3:30 which was ideal since Chris gets up then to go to work. Yay for our little man! He also is up to 3oz per bottle during the day. Still working on it at night but that is okay. He was only at 2oz when we brought him home on the 30th. Tomorrow he goes in for his 2 month visit at the pediatrician. Poor little guy. 

Maybe its the sleep, or it could be that second cup of coffee but I'm in a really good mood this morning. I am feeling really motivated. Which is great because I need to clean and prep for my mom's visit as well as get my work out on this morning.

Last night I totally improvised for dinner (grilled cheese, baked potatoes and pears!?!), tonight I'm full steam ahead with trying a new recipe for pork chops. I'm hoping now that I'm home again and not working to really get back in to cooking and baking and maybe get a bit more skill in both areas. I've always loved to bake but never been a really good cook, I have the chance to change that. Although I'm sure I will have to get creative since we are living on one income now. I plan on coupon clipping as much as possible now. Sales are a good thing!

So now for a quick update for Project Get Healthy:
I received a pedometer on a challenge for my Father-in-laws work and now I'm using it as well as my fitness watch to help keep track of what I do. That is where the miles and steps come from. the calories are from my fitness watch, it accounts for my heart rate and my age and sex so it gives me more accurate calories. I'd like to get nicer watch but between the pedometer and the watch I have I have plenty of information and it was only 30 bucks at Walmart.

I'm really hoping to keep the daily walking up so I can build up to jogging instead, after all I have a jogging stroller. That is enough for the Get Healthy bit today. I'll post another update when I have one and a guaranteed one on Friday.

I hope everyone else out there is having a wonderful weekend. I'd also love suggestions and advice on how to get in a great workout when you have a 2 month old!

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  1. I walked a lot with both of my boys. We have a park by our house so I would walk there and then around the trails. It's easier when they get a little bit older and can entertain themselves for longer amounts of time. New follower from bloggy moms, I look forward to your future posts!

    1. Thanks! I checked out your blog too. I love food so you've got another follower! ^_^


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