Sunday, January 30, 2011

Life or something like it..

I've learned a lot about buying a house over the last month, first never say you are closing until you are in the office signing paperwork! Our close got rescheduled 3 times in one week. We finally closed at 2pm on January 21st. We officially moved in Januarty 22nd.

I am loving having my own house. It is way more than enough room for Chris and I. I feel like we can start a family here. We have our fur babies Higgins and Achilles living with us, and we have all kinds of plans in store for the next few years.

The second thing that I've learned is that you can't pick your neighbors. The morning of the 22nd. We loaded up my jeep and then I headed to the house to start unloading while Chris and Randy loaded up Randy's car. We had actually dropped off everything from the storage unit the night before and Chris and left his card there over night in our garage. So it is about 8:30 in the morning on a Saturday and this older woman who happens to be our neighbor comes over and introduces herself, cannot for the life of me remember her name.. anyway she asked me if we were going to build a fence and I quote said "If you do you know you have to pay for that part of the fence right?" pointing to the side of her fence that runs next our yard. I just tried to stay civil and polite and said we hadn't decided yet on fence. When she left I proceeded to text Chris and let him know.

I could not believe the audacity of some people. Let me make this clear it is not written ANYWHERE that if you build a fence and your neighbor has a fence that you HAVE to pay them anything. Her fence was up before we signed the paper work purchasing the house. It went up the day after we signed our contract saying we wanted to buy the property. We have no legal requirement to pay her anything and since she came over like that and immediately said we do we have no intention on paying her a dime. Had she come over after she saw us putting up a fence and discussed it with us maybe we'd help re-imburse her something but not now.

Chris promises to take care of her when we do have our fence built, we have every intention to build a fence because we have a 90lb dog that we currently shuffle to Chris's mom's house and then back so we don't have to worry about him destroying our house out of boredom.

In happier news my lovely, wonderful, amazing parents bought us a sectional for our house. It is what they call a birthday/adoption day gift. It was way more than I expected. When we saw them for my birthday they said they would buy us a piece of furniture. I expected an end table or coffee table, maaaybe a sectional or some chairs for our dining table (a table they are lending to us for the time being). We are so happy and blessed and lucky. This gift allows us to have enough seating in our house not to make it feel like we live there. It should arrive tomorrow so we have to vaccum the living room and move the green couches up to said living room, then vaccum the family room and make sure its prepped for the sectional. I think Chris is going to put up the only set of permanent blinds we've bought so far.

Even as big and empty as our house seems to me at times it still already feels like home.

Oh on the plus side it has a 5 star energy rating based on the 2006 requirements. We also plan on recycling as much as we can. We just got a few more of the reusable bags to take with us when we go shopping. I think we have 4 now. I figure we'll get a few more each time. Go Green! Haha -_^

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