Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sleepy Duckie..

Hello Everyone! I'm wondering today if anyone, aside from myself, actually reads this? Oh well even if no one is reading I'm going to keep writing. It is just good for me, and maybe someone will stumble upon my little blog here and get something out of the ramblings of my life.

I setup another appointment at Dina's Bridal in Superior,CO. Gina, the owner told me I need to put half down when I buy the dress so Tomorrow I'm stopping at the bank in the afternoon to deposit my dress funds. I'm paying for my wedding dress myself using savings bonds that my God-mother gave me when I was a kid. I got one every year until I turned 16. A few I cashed in already when I was in a tight spot. I was not very money savvy when I was 18, I'll just leave it at that. I have enough left over though to pretty much cover my dress so it is one of the few financial parts of getting married I'm not worried about. I am able to get the dress that I really want which makes me extremely happy!

Kimi is going to go with me. I can't wait to here what she thinks of my dress. I have to still decide what size I should be ordering. I really do want to lose about 10-15 lbs before the wedding. I have 6 months left. So I'm wondering if I should order a slightly smaller dress or just the size I am now. I know myself well enough that either I'll loose all the weight or none. Dilemmas! I guess I'll weigh myself Saturday morning and make my decision then. I'm going to try and get to the gym a few times this week. *fingers crossed* Why is working out so difficult for me? At least I'm walking Achilles 1-2 times a day. As the weather stays nice the walks are increasing. ^_^

Chris and I were discussing wedding plans this morning on the way to work. We are really happy we chose the caterer we did because they will do our centerpieces, this means we can buy our flowers bulk. We plan to keep the flowers simple, we are simple people and the Boettcher Mansion is beautiful and rustic in its own right. We agreed that we need a florist for a few of the items, like the bouquet and such. We talked about programs. I know we intend to have Ken, the DJ, announce certain things but I think placing programs with bubbles on the seats for the ceremony would be nice. That way everyone will get an idea of how long the ceremony will be and where to go after. It is also another cute souvenir. We like to talk about little details like that I hope we get it all sorted out. I know that last month or so will be crazy.

188 Days Until the Big Day!

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