Friday, August 27, 2010

TGIF.. Maybe?

Hey Everyone!

Hmmm where to start.. I saw Bubba(aka Matthew) after Achille's training class but not with Achilles. Bandit and Achilles got into a fit before we left and so we had to take him home after the class because Bandit had hurt his foot. I know it sounds crazy to leave him with Bandit but they only becom aggressive with each other when people are around. Its got to do with how close in age they are in the fact that they are male. If Chris and I get another dog it will be a female. Everyone is saying it is better to pair a male with a female because they are not going to be aggressive towards each other. We shall see when the time comes.

Anyway on Sunday we met up with my brother and parents at Borders and just kind of hung out for a while. We invited Bubba to see Scott Pilgrim vs the World with us on Monday. I loooved that movie! So Monday we went down and had brunch with my parents and Bubba, then we took Bubba to the Cherry Creek mall and got our movie tickets. We had like 2 hours to kill so the three of us just walked around the mall. The only decent store to look in was It's Your Move, I mean I would have liked other stores but not those too, LOL. We ended up getting starbucks and just hanging out till it was close the movie. We then got candy. Dear lord did we get candy. I'm swearing right now not to binge like that again any time soon. >_<

That actually brings me to my next news. I have officially joined Weight Watchers again. It worked really well the first time. I've gained about 20-25lbs back though since that first successful run, partly because I'd gotten sick and partly because I just stopped eating right and wasn't exercising. But I've been doing well with the exercise so now I need get back to eating better. Since I live in the middle of no where I am doing WWs Online this time. I think since I'm working out regularly that it will really work this time around. I tried it once before and didn't really lose much weight. I normally do better when I go in person. *fingers crossed*

Anyway I just wanted to stop in and give an update.

OH!!! Kimi got a dress!! I've only seen pictures but I think it looks really nice!! I am so excited!!

64 days till the wedding!!

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