Sunday, November 3, 2013

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 2

20 Facts About Me:

  1. I am terrified of spiders.
  2. I am 5 foot 3 1/2 inches tall and have not grown since I was 12 years old.
  3. When I am really tired or pissed off I sound like I am from Long Island.
  4. I was on the color guard in high school.
  5. I didn't get interested in football till I was in college.
  6. My favorite book is Jane Eyre.
  7. My nicknames are Squeaks and Ling Ling. Both were given to me by people I used to work with.
  8. When I start laughing really hard my laugh gets all crazy and I start squeaking. It is almost like snorting but through my mouth instead of my nose.. haha.. it is really contagious and makes others laugh more.
  9. I have one tattoo of an Ankh but I want more
  10. I am a big nerd.
  11. I love horror movies and anything supernatural.
  12. I believe in ghosts
  13. I have a degree in International Politics that I don't use.
  14. I would love to go back to school for photography or to be a pastry chef.
  15. Someday I'd like to own my own business.
  16. I live in Colorado but I've never gone skiing in my life.
  17. I have an irrational fear of clowns.
  18. I love Disney. Seriously, Disney Movies, Disney World.. the Disney Store.. you name it I love it..haha
  19. If you bribe me with chocolate I will pretty much do anything you want.
  20. I am adopted and my birth mother reached out to me after 9/11 but I wasn't ready to meet her at the time. I did learn though that I have a half brother and half sister that are a lot younger than me.

So there you have have it a snippet of me in 20 facts.

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